Dashboard and user interface

The OpenBOM Dashboard is displayed in your browser after signing in..

The Dashboard serves as your primary workspace in OpenBOM and it has 3 main zones – Navigation side panel, Dashboard list and Toolbar. In addition,  the Dashboard gives you an access to administration functions and allows to navigate to download integrations and to upgrade to a premium license.

1-  Navigation side panel

The Navigation panel provides access to the main functional areas of OpenBOM – Bill of Materials, Part Catalogs, Order BOM, Administration and Search interface. Select a specific element in side panel to display contents in the list.  Here, All BOMs are displayed in the content list.

2- Dashboard list

The Dashboard list displays OpenBOM items you have access to based on your selection in the navigation side panel.  It can contain list of BOMs, Part Catalogs, Users, Order BOMs, etc.

The column headers are fixed but may be configurable in future releases. The “Settings” gear icon menu allows you to control which columns are displayed.

3- Toolbar

The Dashboard toolbar contains the key functions available for the specific list below – copy, edit attributes, share, delete, tags (move to folder) and settings. Also, it has main the two primary controls: Create (BOM or Part Catalog) and Import data.

4- Search in Dashboard 

The OpenBOM dashboard has simple search feature allowing to search ONLY the Part numbers and Name (descriptions) of BOMs and Part Catalogs. This is a simple search used to locate a specific BOM or Part Catalog by searching its Part number or name. It is not a replacement for other search tools OpenBOM has, but a useful addition.

Tip: Use this field to set a filter which OpenBOM will respect as you leave and return to the dashboard. It can be a useful tool to navigate dashboard.  You must CLEAR the Search field to restore the unfiltered list.
