Onshape user defined BOM templates

A custom user defined template is an OpenBOM mechanism available in Onshape that gives users the ability to create a custom BOM template that defines both the Onshape and openBoM properties and their order in a BOM.

1. Click “Select BOM Properties” in the OpenBOM BOM creation tab to access the BOM Properties Template to choose the Onshape and OpenBOM properties you want in your BOM.  You can also access the BOM Properties Template using the green gearbox within a BOM view.

2. Select the Onshape and OpenBOM properties you want in your BOM.  Note: The properties Name, Thumbnail, and Link to Onshape are mandatory and are set by default.  The order they appear in the BOM Template UI list is the order they’ll appear in the BOM (more on property order, below).  Scroll up and down to see entire list. Click “Save changes” when done.

3. Click the “Create BOM” button and your BOM will be created with the properties chosen. Notice green gear icon in the upper right below the App Store button. Click it when you wish to change the property template for the next BOMs you will generate in this and other documents.

Important notes:

  1. Only new BOMs created will be impacted by whatever changes are saved by the BOM Template UI. BOMs previously created will not be impacted in any way. This is deliberate to give you total control over each of your BOMs.
  2. After creating a new BOM from the template, changing the template will not impact the BOM, i.e., the only way to add or remove BOM properties is within the BOM itself.
  3. You can only change the order of BOM properties within a BOM.  If the BOM Template UI is accessed within a BOM, it will reflect the current properties and their order in that BOM.
  4. After saving changes in the BOM Template UI, all subsequent BOMs created will reflect the properties and order of the template.  Until changed again.
  5. Changes to the BOM Template UI apply to all BOMs generated from all Onshape documents in the Onshape user’s account.