Indexed Search

When it comes to the proliferation of Part Numbers, openBoM is improving its search capability. Search helps you re-use data without the need of memorizing it. We are gradually adding search capabilities to openBoM to improve the user experience.

As a first step, openBoM Part Numbers and BOMs will be indexed giving you a simpler and easier means to access them as needed. openBoM currently supports the easy search of Part Numbers when you add a Part to a BOM or create a new BOM.

Note 1: Only Part Numbers used in BOMs in openBoM are searchable.  These include Part Numbers that have been manually added to the Part Number property in a BOM, imported from a BOM spreadsheet, and from a BOM imported from a CAD system.

Note 2: openBoM does not feature or support a tool for generating Part Numbers.

We’ll update this section as we improve and increase our search capabilities.  Stand-by.
