Create BOMs

There are 3 primary ways to create a BOM in OpenBOM: Create new BOM from scratch; Import BOM from Excel or Import BOM from CAD system.

1. Create new BOM (from scratch)

Use OpenBOM Create menu on the dashboard to create new BOM.

The New BOM dialog will appear – enter Part Number, Name and Template (optional). If you’re not using Part Catalogs, Part Number is optional too. If you’re using Part Catalogs, enter Part Number of part (or assembly) defined in the catalog. BOM Name is used ONLY as a description of BOM in the dashboard. You cannot create two BOMs with identical descriptions. Part Numbers are not unique – you can create 2 or more BOMs with the same Part Number. Templates are user defined and unique currently cannot be shared between users.

After BOM is created, you automatically navigated in BOM view user interface.

2. Import BOM from Excel

You can turn any Excel spreadsheet into OpenBOM Bill of Materials. It is very powerful feature. OpenBOM automatically creates BOM and populate all properties (columns). If a property already exists in OpenBOM, it will be used and if a property doesn’t exist, import will create the new property in OpenBOM.

For more information about how to import BOM from Excel spreadsheet click here.

3. Import BOM from CAD

OpenBOM offers integrations for all popular CAD systems. You can learn about available integrations on our website here. For specific details on creating a BOM for a specific integration see the help for that individual integration.
