Template support for SOLIDWORKS OpenBOM integration

The “Template” feature in the SOLIDWORKS plug-in lets you choose which attributes are extracted to a BOM and will allow you to customize the way a BOM is created. The Solidworks template is supported only (!) in the SOLIDWORKS plug-in for File Explorer. It will be available later to the SOLIDWORKS native plug-in. Here’s how to use it:

(1) Right-click on the SOLIDWORKS assembly in File Explorer.

(2) Click on the OpenBOM configuration and a Configuration dialog pop-out will appear, below.

(3) The BOM Template field will be empty (no templates defined) the first time you use it.

(4) Type the name of the template you want to define, e.g. bom1, and click on the button next to the text field.

(5) In the edit dialog which appears, type the name of the SOLIDWORKS properties you want to include in the template, e.g. Part NO, My Description. Close the edit dialog when done entering properties.

(6) Close the configuration dialog and click on OpenBOM > Extract BOM.

The integration will only add the SOLIDWORKS properties you entered in the template to the extracted BOM.
