Share and collaborate

OpenBOM allows you to share data and collaborate in real time a-la Google spreadsheet style. It is easy and simple. Data can be instantly share with your colleagues engineers, contractors, suppliers and practically anybody.

OpenBOM provides a great way for you and your company to improve and streamline communication with contractors, suppliers and manufacturing companies. It uses modern web and cloud data management technologies to allow people from Boston to stay “on the same BOM” with contractor in Taiwan no matter what. By integrating with existing PDM and PLM systems, OpenBOM extends your communication capability and protects existing enterprise system investments.

OpenBOM real time collaboration allows you to share Bill of Materials including all related information with any partner, contractor, and supplier. Both of you have access to the most updated information and changes. Moreover, OpenBOM allows you to store CAD and neutral geometry files (eg. PDF, 3D PDF) on your favorite cloud storage (eg. Dropbox).

The following video gives you an idea how it happens with OpenBOM.

(1) Click the “Share” button located on the top right of a BOM view, highlighted in Green in the pic, below:

(2) When prompted, in the “Share settings” window, enter the email of the person(s) you wish to share the BOM with and their assigned view permission, either “Can Edit” – read/write or “Can View” – read-only.  If you wish to include as part of the shared BOM all sub-assemblies associated with the BOM, check “Include and share all sub-assembly BOMs“.

Check “Make link to BOM shareable…” if you wish to share a read-only, i.e., can only view, link to a BOM. The shared BOM will have only read access and not be able to make changes or edits. For example, you can share a BOM with a list of components with contractors and system integrators to track purchasing and RFQs.

Click “Share” button when done.  Note: Don’t forget to assign access permission before you click “Share”.

Others can now access the BOM and work simultaneously with you or access the BOM at any other time.  Avatars of people the BOM is shared with will appear in the upper left of the BOM view.


