Creating and managing catalogs is fundamental for organizing and centralizing your product data. A well-structured catalog ensures consistency and accessibility of component information throughout your product development lifecycle.
User Interface Overview for Catalog Creation
Learn the methods to create a catalog in OpenBOM, starting with the User Interface:
User Interface
Navigate to Create Catalog:
From the main menu, select “Create”
Select “Create Catalog”
Fill in the Details:
In the “Create Catalog” dialog box, type a name for your catalog in the “Name” field. (In this example, the name is SecureTech Lock)
Optional: Set Up Part Number.
If needed, configure part numbers for your items.
Once you’ve filled in the necessary information, click “Submit” to complete the process.
Part Number Importance: In product design, part numbers function as unique identifiers for components, streamlining organization and enhancing communication. They enable seamless tracking and referencing throughout the development process, ensuring efficient workflows and minimizing errors. Part numbers are essential for effective collaboration and smooth product development.Fig 1: Create Catalog from User Interface
Add Property
Click on the drop-down arrow for Context Menu or Click on Add property menu:
Access the options to modify the catalog table.
Type in the required Property (In this example “Reference Designator”):
Enter the name of the property you want to add to the catalog table.
Click Add:
Confirm and add the property to the catalog table.Fig 2: Add Property to CatalogRemember, don’t add the property – “Quantity” in Catalogs. It belongs in BOMs, where it’s needed.
Add Items
Click on the drop-down arrow for Context Menu or Click on Add Item menu:
Access the options to add an item to the catalog table.
Type in the required Item details (In this example “Part Number: STL-001, Name: Lock Cylinder”):
Enter the necessary information for the item you’re adding.Fig 3: Add Items to Catalog
For Image Click on the Edit image from Context menu:
If you need to add an image, select “Edit image” from the context menu.Utilize the context menu for quick access to relevant options related to Items, Thumbnail etc.Fig 4: Context MenuIf you want to reorder the property as per your organization’s standard, OpenBOM recommends using ‘User-Defined Views’ to effectively manage the order of properties, especially for Bills of Materials (BOMs). Additionally, utilize the ‘Property Order Panel’ when working with catalogs.Fig 5: Property Order Panel (Catalog)Fig 5.1: User Defined Views (BOM)
Import Part from Online Content Provider
Click on the Import Part from Online Content Provider menu:
Access the option to add a part to the catalog table from an online content provider.
Choose the available online content provider (“Cadenas Part Solutions and Traceparts are currently on hold. Only Octopart is available for use.”):
Select the desired provider. (Octopart is chosen)Fig 6: Online Content Provider
Typed in “Door Lock” in the search box:
Enter the search query to find the desired part.
10 results are brought in:
View the search results displayed.Fig 7: Import Part from Online Content Provider
Click on Import part menu:
Once you find the desired part, import it into the catalog table.Keep your Online catalog items up-to date using the “Sync Existing Parts” command in the Import Dialog.Fig 7.1: Synchronize Existing Parts from Online Content Provider
Creating and managing catalogs in OpenBOM is vital for maintaining structured and accessible product data. By leveraging the intuitive User Interface and understanding the importance of part numbers, you can enhance organization, streamline workflows, and foster effective collaboration across teams. Utilize these best practices to optimize your product development processes and achieve greater efficiency in managing your catalogs.