Extract geometric data from Onshape Parts

I’m willing to venture a guess that you often need to include geometric data in your Bill of Materials (BOM). There are many examples when having geometric data in your BOM turns out to be helpful. Most use cases have to do with the need to get geometric information to order materials and receive price quotations. Two examples that come to mind are for:

  1. Wooden panels; and
  2. Sheet metal parts.

We made the OpenBOM Onshape integrated app do some of the work for you to make it easier to include geometric data in a BOM. A check-mark in the box ‘Include geometric data’ can be used to include geometric data in a BOM:

(1) Choose the OpenBOM integrated app to create a BOM.

(2) Select desired BOM type, e.g., “Part list”, and assembly or Part List.  Check “Include geometric data“. Click the “Create BOM” button when ready.

(3) Dimension will be included in your BOM.

In addition, OpenBOM helps you assign L, W, T of a Part in multi-part environments such as Part Studio. This last point can be helpful because it automatically brings the right dimension to L and T in most cases; allowing you, later on, to sort a BOM using L dimension.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkUzqkhw7lc]
