Exporting a BOM (from OpenBOM)

You can export a BOM from openBoM to Excel, CSV, and PDF.

Note: Both BOMs and Parts Catalogs can be exported from within their respected views. For example, this is a Parts Catalog view for a BikeInventory catalog:

(1) In a BOM view (or Part Catalog view), click the “Export” command on the upper right-hand side of a BOM view screen, highlighted in Green, below:

(2) An Export options window will appear.

  • Select the desired BOM properties you wish to include as part of the export. A Green highlight means the properties will be imported. Clicking a property will toggle between selection (Green) or not (greyed out):

  • Checkmark “use current BOM filter settings” if you’ve applied filters to your BOM and wish to keep them in the exported file.
  • Checkmark “use current BOM sorting settings” if you wish to keep any sorting in the exported file.
  • Checkmark “export Multi-level BOM” if you wish to capture nested assembly levels in your exported file. For example, this is what an exported multi-level BOM will look like in Excel:

  • From the drop-down menu, select the desired file format you wish to export to: Excel, CSV, PDF

Click “Export” when ready to export your BOM. Here’s a partial screenshot of an export to PDF:

Here’s a partial screenshot of an export to Excel:

See export to a spreadsheet in action in this video:



