Whether you register for Free or for a paid subscription, the registration and login process are identical. You can register to use openBoM on www.openbom.com/pricing.
Follow these steps to successfully register to use openBoM:
- When prompted, enter the information requested, email, first & last name, and password. And click “Create Account” after accepting our terms of service.
- If your registration was successful, you will be asked to verify your email address:
- Look for an email in your inbox (or SPAM folder) from openBoM containing a verification link. If you don’t receive an email verification email within five minutes, then please contact support@openbom.com and let us know. Click the link. You will not be able to login in without verifying your email.
- After clicking the verification link, you will see this appear on a separate browser tab:
- Your openBoM account is now active. You can click “Sign-in Now” or go directly back to the registration page and click “Sign-in” in the lower bottom right. Sign-in and you are ready to work in openboM.
If you run into trouble at any point in the process, please contact us on support@openbom.com.