CAD plug-in nuts and bolts for cloud storage

OpenBOM CAD plug-ins have a “cloud settings” for files.  Why have settings for the cloud?  We’re often asked by users to store files in OpenBOM.  However, there are way too many cloud file storage providers out there; there’s no need for yet another one.

OpenBOM integrates with external cloud storages. We are working with mainstream providers such as Google, Dropbox, OneDrive, enterprise storage such as and specialized engineering CAD storages such as Autodesk Forge and Onshape.

OpenBOM is able to “cloud-enable” any company using existing CAD desktop systems with the ability to extend collaboration and communication with contractors and suppliers. Moreover, OpenBOM is not only able to provide BOM sharing capabilities and real-time collaboration.  It also helps make 3D CAD files and autogenerate neutral geometry files available to distributed teams.

Below is a diagram which provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure an OpenBOM plug-in.

Step 1: OpenBOM plug-in install. You download the plug-in from the OpenBOM integration page. When in the CAD systems find “Configuration” or Setting in a specific plug-in.

Step 2: Select [x] to enable cloud settings in the plug-in and authenticate cloud storage. We recommend configuring one cloud storage account per team, which makes things easier.

Step 3: Cloud settings is OFF (i.e. unchecked) means the plug-in works as before. No content will be taken to the cloud.

Step 4: A BOM is created using metadata only. Thumbnail image preview is included.

Step 5: When the cloud setting is ON, the OpenBOM plug-in will upload files to the chosen cloud storage system.

Step 6: Native CAD files will be uploaded.

Step 7: Neutral geometry files will be automatically generated and uploaded.

The OpenBOM plug-in with cloud file storage integration is a powerful mechanism that allows you to upload customer files in native or CAD neutral geometry to the cloud. It will open up your company to improved communicating and efficient collaboration.
