OpenBOM API Specification Document
11. Get a specific bom document in a flattened view.
12. Get specific order bom document
13. Get specific catalog document
14. Get specific property table document
15. Get specific revision for bom document
16. Get specific revision of bom document in flattened view
17. Get merged revisions for for specific item
18. Update bom document property value
19. Update catalog document property value
20. Find BOM documents by parameters
24. Add new row or update existing row in the bom or catalog document
26. Upload image file for boms
27. Upload image file for catalog
28. Delete specific bom document
29. Delete specific catalog document
30. Remove part from bom document
31. Remove part from catalog document
33. Subscribe to event or update subscription
34. Upload files to OpenBOM storage
35. Download files from OpenBOM storage
36. Export specific bom document
37. Create a revision for an Inventory Item
38. Get specific item for catalog document by part number
39, Export specific catalog document
1. BOM item in boms listing array
3. Catalog item in catalogs listing array
5. Property table item in property tables listing array
The OpenBOM API allows developers to programmatically access data stored in the OpenBOM user account.
OpenBOM supports two options for authentication:
Authenticate the user with the system and obtain the access token. Access token, received in response, will be used in all subsequent requests as a required parameter. Username parameter value must match the developer's email address defined for the application key.
Method | URL |
POST | /login |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD HEAD POST | content-type X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AppSecret (only for option 2 authentication) JSON Object:{ username:... password:... } | string - application/json string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that the developer received from OpenBOM upon email request and must be sent with all client requests. The application key helps the server to validate the request source.
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-d '{"username":"user@email.tld","password":"hardtoguess"}'
Status | Response |
200 | { "access_token": <access_token>, "refresh_token": <auth_key>, "token_type": ”Bearer”, "expires_in": 86400 } access_token (string) - all further API calls must have this key in request header X-OpenBOM-AccessToken |
400 | {"error":"Parameter [\"username\"] not found."} |
401 | {"error":"Unable to authenticate user[user@email]"} |
403 | {"error":""Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]""} |
Authenticate the user with the system and obtain the access token using refresh token.
Method | URL |
POST | /token/renew |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD POST | content-type X-OpenBOM-AppKey JSON Object:{ refresh_token:...} | string - application/json string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that the developer received from OpenBOM upon email request and must be sent with all client requests. The application key helps the server to validate the request source.
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-d '{"refresh_token":"..."}'
Status | Response |
200 | { "access_token": <access_token>, "refresh_token": <auth_key>, "token_type": ”Bearer”, "expires_in": 86400 } access_token (string) - all further API calls must have this key in request header X-OpenBOM-AccessToken |
400 | {"error":"Parameter [\"username\"] not found."} |
401 | {"error":"Error renewing access token ..."} |
403 | {"error":""Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]""} |
Get all boms accessible by the user
Method | URL |
GET | /boms |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken | string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be an object containing the list of bom documents properties (array) . Each item in the boms listing array has the following structure. { "nodeId": 0, "bomId": "0", "id": "0", "name": "", "nameuri": "", "user": "", "status": "", "permissionString": "", "permission": 0, "modifiedBy": "", "modified": 0, "bomPartNumber": "", "productionBatch": false, "released": false } An example response is:- [ { "nodeId": 29290, "bomId": "49c6f1f3-7006-48fc-86f1-f3700628fcff", "id": "49c6f1f3-7006-48fc-86f1-f3700628fcff", "name": "R2D2_2", "nameuri": null, "user": "user@email", "status": "active", "permissionString": "w", "permission": 7, "modifiedBy": "user@email", "modified": 1518126594320, "bomPartNumber": "R2D2_2", "productionBatch": false, "released": false }, { "nodeId": 34669, "bomId": "bec849c7-f55b-4dc8-8849-c7f55bddc846", "id": "bec849c7-f55b-4dc8-8849-c7f55bddc846", "name": "Controller BOM", "nameuri": null, "user": "user@email", "status": "active", "permissionString": "w", "permission": 7, "modifiedBy": "user@email", "modified": 1518124259396, "bomPartNumber": "Controller BOM", "productionBatch": false, "released": true } ] |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Get all only top level boms accessible by the user
Method | URL |
GET | /toplevelboms |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken | string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be an object containing the list of top level bom documents properties (array) . Each item in the boms listing array has the following structure. { "nodeId": 0, "bomId": "0", "id": "0", "name": "", "nameuri": "", "user": "", "status": "", "permissionString": "", "permission": 0, "modifiedBy": "", "modified": 0, "bomPartNumber": "", "productionBatch": false, "released": false } An example response is:- [ { "nodeId": 29290, "bomId": "49c6f1f3-7006-48fc-86f1-f3700628fcff", "id": "49c6f1f3-7006-48fc-86f1-f3700628fcff", "name": "R2D2_2", "nameuri": null, "user": "user@email", "status": "active", "permissionString": "w", "permission": 7, "modifiedBy": "user@email", "modified": 1518126594320, "bomPartNumber": "R2D2_2", "productionBatch": false, "released": false }, { "nodeId": 34669, "bomId": "bec849c7-f55b-4dc8-8849-c7f55bddc846", "id": "bec849c7-f55b-4dc8-8849-c7f55bddc846", "name": "Controller BOM", "nameuri": null, "user": "user@email", "status": "active", "permissionString": "w", "permission": 7, "modifiedBy": "user@email", "modified": 1518124259396, "bomPartNumber": "Controller BOM", "productionBatch": false, "released": true } ] |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Get all order boms accessible by the user
Method | URL |
GET | /orderboms |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken | string string |
X-OpenBOM-AccessTokenAppKey value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be an object containing the list of order bom documents properties (array) . Each item in the order boms listing array has the following structure. { "nodeId": 0, "bomId": "0", "id": "0", "name": "", "numUnits": 0, "nameuri": "", "user": "", "status": "", "permissionString": "", "permission": 0, "modifiedBy": "", "modified": 0, "bomPartNumber": "", "productionBatch": false, "released": false } An example response is:- [ { "nodeId": 7620, "bomId": "4c1d540b-7117-4c87-9d54-0b71177c8706", "id": "4c1d540b-7117-4c87-9d54-0b71177c8706", "name": "Order 1 Controller BOM", "numUnits": 3, "nameuri": null, "user": "user@email", "status": "active", "permissionString": "w", "permission": 7, "modifiedBy": "user@email", "modified": 1518124271145, "productionBatch": true, "released": false }, { "nodeId": 7619, "bomId": "d767cc53-e4a2-4351-a7cc-53e4a2d35122", "id": "d767cc53-e4a2-4351-a7cc-53e4a2d35122", "name": "Order 1 calc failure", "numUnits": 1, "nameuri": null, "user": "user@email", "status": "active", "permissionString": "w", "permission": 7, "modifiedBy": "user@email", "modified": 1518124230864, "productionBatch": true, "released": false } ] |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Get all catalogs accessible by the user
Method | URL |
GET | /catalogs |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken | string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be an object containing the list of catalog documents properties (array) . Each item in the catalogs listing array has the following structure. { "nodeId": 0, "itemsId": "0", "id": "0", "name": "", "user": "", "status": "", "permissionString": "", "permission": 0, "modifiedBy": "", "modified": 0 } An example response is:- [ { "nodeId": 43557, "itemsId": "338c9e50-fe66-4a17-8c9e-50fe66ea17b5", "id": "338c9e50-fe66-4a17-8c9e-50fe66ea17b5", "name": "Items", "user": "user@email", "status": "active", "permissionString": "w", "permission": 7, "modifiedBy": "user@email", "modified": 1518127000879 }, { "nodeId": 7048, "itemsId": "4b54c2b4-49aa-4a71-94c2-b449aa6a7158", "id": "4b54c2b4-49aa-4a71-94c2-b449aa6a7158", "name": "t4", "user": "user@email", "status": "active", "permissionString": "w", "permission": 7, "modifiedBy": "user@email", "modified": 1518107206291 } ] |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Get all property tables accessible by the user
Method | URL |
GET | /propertytables |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken | string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be an object containing the list of property tables documents properties (array) . Each item in the property tables listing array has the following structure. { "_id": "", "id": "", "uri": "", "name": "", "createdBy": "", "updatedBy": "", "created": "", "updated": "", "private": false } An example response is:- [ { "_id": "64c4ff25-eed6-4c8f-84ff-25eed6bc8fd2", "id": "64c4ff25-eed6-4c8f-84ff-25eed6bc8fd2", "uri": "urn:openbom:name:user%email:props%20table", "name": "props table", "createdBy": "user@email", "updatedBy": null, "created": "2017-02-16T04:33:55.787Z", "updated": "2017-02-16T04:33:55.788Z", "private": false }, { "_id": "53064d1a-8330-4a9a-864d-1a8330aa9a0e", "id": "53064d1a-8330-4a9a-864d-1a8330aa9a0e", "uri": "urn:openbom:name:user%40email:test1", "name": "test1", "createdBy": "user@email", "updatedBy": null, "created": "2017-08-25T13:31:28.387Z", "updated": "2017-08-25T13:31:28.388Z", "private": false } ] |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Get all revisions for specific bom document
Method | URL |
GET | /bom/<bomId>/revisions |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> | string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be an object containing the list of bom document revisions. Each item in the bom revisions listing array has the following structure. { "id": "8036d4e6-e6f5-4923-b6d4-e6e6f5692304", "revisionNumber": 7, "docId": "ce7d0850-8576-443f-bd08-508576343f7c", "description": "xtest" } where : "id" - is revision document id "revisionNumber" - is the auto assigned revision number "docId" - is the id of the bom document this revision was created of. "description" - is user provided value when revision was created. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Get all revisions for specific item
Method | URL |
GET | /catalog/<catalogId>/revisions/partnumber?partNumber=<partNumber> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> partNumber | string string string string |
Method | URL |
GET | /catalog/<catalogId>/revisions/partnumber/<partNumber> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> <partNumber> | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the catalog document that contains the specified item. Can be taken from the listing response.
The item’s part number.
Recommended: \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Deprecated: \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be an object containing the list of items revisions. Each element in the items revisions listing array has the following structure. { "id": "94d853f0-e9bc-4fa6-9853-f0e9bc3fa6b2", "partNumber": "part1", "revisionNumber": 2, "revision": "2", "docId": "60221791-20d5-4db3-a217-9120d5bdb345", "state": "Released", "bomRevision": { "nodeId": 542743, "bomId": "3758b8c4-2ed4-4daf-98b8-c42ed46daf86", "name": "part1", "nameuri": null, "user": "user@email", "modifiedBy": "user@email", "modified": 1637298638181, "modifiedString": "2021-11-19T05:10:38.181Z", "bomPartNumber": "part1", "productionBatch": false, "numUnits": null, "released": false, "revisionNumber": 2, "revision": "2" } } |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Receive the json representation of the bom document stored in openbom.
Method | URL |
GET | /bom/<bomId> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM Optional: URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> useview viewid | string string string boolean string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the bom document to retrieve. Can be taken from the listing response.
Optional query parameter:
The default value is “true”. It means that every bom document will be returned according to the view that was associated with it using openbom UI. There are two options to get bom document without view filtering, user can either login to openbom UI, open specific bom document and remove the view assigned to this bom document, or call the get bom API with “useview=false” query parameter: /bom/<bomId>?useview=false
Specifies the ID of the view to be used when returning the Bom document. Specified view will be applied only if useview=true \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json object representing a bom document. Refer to the Structures section. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Receive the json representation of the flattened bom document stored in openbom.
Method | URL |
GET | /flattenedbom/<bomId> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> | string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the bom document to retrieve in flattened view. Can be taken from the listing response. \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json object representing a bom document in a flattened view. Refer to the Structures section. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Receive the json representation of the order bom document stored in openbom.
Method | URL |
GET | /orderbom/<orderBomId> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <orderBomId> | string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the bom document to retrieve. Can be taken from the order boms listing response. \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json object representing an order bom document. Refer to the Structures section. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Receive the json representation of the catalog document stored in openbom.
Method | URL |
GET | /catalog/<catalogId> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM Optional: URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> useview viewid | string string String boolean string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the catalog document to retrieve. Can be taken from the listing response.
Optional query parameters:
The default value is “true”. It means that every catalog document will be returned according to the view that was associated with it using openbom UI. There are two options to get catalog document without view filtering, user can either login to openbom UI, open specific catalog document and remove the view assigned to this catalog document, or call the get catalog API with “useview=false” query parameter: /catalog/<catalogId>?useview=false
Specifies the ID of the view to be used when returning the Catalog document. Specified view will be applied only if useview=true\
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json object representing a catalog document. Refer to the Structures section. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Receive the json representation of the property table document stored in OpenBOM.
Method | URL |
GET | /propertytable/<propertyTableId> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <propertyTableId> | string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the property table document to retrieve. Can be taken from the listing response.\
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'\
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json array of objects representing items inside property table document. Refer to the Structures section. Example response is: [ { "_id": "08f5562f-76af-42eb-b556-2f76aff2eb28", "id": "08f5562f-76af-42eb-b556-2f76aff2eb28", "uri": "urn:openbom:name:user%40email:prop1", "name": "prop1", "sourcePropertyId": null, "privateTableId": "64c4ff25-eed6-4c8f-84ff-25eed6bc8fd2", "publicProperty": false, "status": "A", "datatype": "N", "source": "U", "created_by": "user@email", "created": "2017-02-16T04:34:08.135Z", "updated": "2017-02-16T04:34:08.138Z" }, { "_id": "763e1cd6-2e2e-46ac-be1c-d62e2e46acec", "id": "763e1cd6-2e2e-46ac-be1c-d62e2e46acec", "uri": "urn:openbom:name:user%40email:prop2", "name": "prop2", "sourcePropertyId": null, "privateTableId": "64c4ff25-eed6-4c8f-84ff-25eed6bc8fd2", "publicProperty": false, "status": "A", "datatype": "N", "source": "U", "created_by": "user@email", "created": "2017-02-16T04:34:15.937Z", "updated": "2017-02-16T04:34:15.939Z" } ] |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Receive the json representation of the revision document stored in openbom.
Method | URL |
GET | /bom/<bomId>/revision/<revisionNumber> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> <revisionNumber> | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the bom document that revision was created for. Can be taken from the listing response.
The revision number. It is auto generated and visible in the revisions listing response. \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json object representing a bom revision document. Refer to the Structures section. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Receive the json representation of the revision of bom document in flattened view
Method | URL |
GET | /flattenedbom/<bomId>?revisionNumber=<revisionNum> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> revisionNumber | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the bom document that revision was created for. Can be taken from the listing response.
The revision number. It is auto generated and visible in the revisions listing response. \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json object representing a bom revision document in flattened view. Refer to the Structures section. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Receive the json representation of the merged revisions document for specific item.
Refer to OpenBOM support website for item revision concept.
Method | URL |
GET | /catalog/<catalogId>/revisions/merged/partnumber?partNumber=<partNumber> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> partNumber | string string string string |
Method | URL |
GET | /catalog/<catalogId>/revisions/merged/partnumber/<partNumber> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> <partNumber> | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the catalog document that contains the specified item. Can be taken from the listing response.
The item’s part number.
Recommended: \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Deprecated: \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json object representing a merged item revisions document. Refer to the Structures section. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Updates specific property value, for specific part number in specified bom document.
Method | URL |
POST | /bom/<bomId>/propertyvalue |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM POST | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> <json_params> { "partNumberPropertyName":"", "partNumber":"", "propertyName":"", "propertyValue":"" } | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the bom document to retrieve. Can be taken from the listing response.
"partNumberPropertyName":"Part Number", //Name of the property for part numbers
"partNumber":"Centre Leg Assembly", //Actual item’s part number to identify the row in the document
"propertyName":"Quantity", //Name of the property to be updated
"propertyValue":"25" //New Value of the property
} \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-d '{
"partNumberPropertyName":"Part Number",
"partNumber":"Centre Leg Assembly",
}' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-d '{
"partNumberPropertyName":"Part Number",
"partNumber":"Centre Leg Assembly",
Status | Response |
200 | {"message": "property value updated."} |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Updates specific property value, for specific part number in specified catalog document.
Method | URL |
POST | /catalog/<catalogId>/propertyvalue |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM POST | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken Content-Type <catalogId> <json_params> { "partNumberPropertyName":"", "partNumber":"", "propertyName":"", "propertyValue":"" } | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
Content-Type value application/json
The id of the catalog document to update. Can be taken from the listing response.
"partNumberPropertyName":"Part Number", //Name of the property for part numbers
"partNumber":"Centre Leg Assembly", //Actual item’s part number to identify the row in the document
"propertyName":"Quantity", //Name of the property to be updated
"propertyValue":"25" //New Value of the property
} \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-d '{
"partNumberPropertyName":"Part Number",
"propertyName":"Quantity On Hand",
}' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-d '{
"partNumberPropertyName":"Part Number",
"propertyName":"Quantity On Hand",
Status | Response |
200 | {"message": "property value updated."} |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Finds BOM documents by specific parameters.
Method | URL |
POST | /boms/byparams |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD HEAD POST | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken Content-Type <json_params> { "name":"" } Or { "bomPartNumber":"" } | string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
Content-Type value application/json
Key value pairs in JSON form.
Keys can be one or all of: name, bomPartNumber \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-d '{
}' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-d '{
Status | Response |
200 | Partial example response, list of matching BOM documents: [ |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Get all templates accessible by the user
Method | URL |
GET | /templates |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken | string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be an object containing the list of template documents properties (array) . Each item in the templates listing array has the following structure. { "templateId": "", "id": "", "name": "", "nameuri": "", "user": "", "status": "", "createdBy": "", "created": 0, "createdString": "", "modified": 0, "modifiedString": "" } An example response is:- [ { "templateId": "cc12e1fc-140e-4a6b-92e1-fc140efa6b0f", "id": "cc12e1fc-140e-4a6b-92e1-fc140efa6b0f", "name": "test template", "nameuri": null, "user": null, "status": "A", "createdBy": "user@email", "created": 1573740501855, "createdString": "2019-11-14T14:08:21.855Z", "modified": 1573740501855, "modifiedString": "2019-11-14T14:08:21.855Z" }, { "templateId": "17e1858d-8656-4134-a185-8d86566134f2", "id": "17e1858d-8656-4134-a185-8d86566134f2", "name": "TemplateFormulaTemplate", "nameuri": null, "user": null, "status": "A", "createdBy": "user@email", "created": 1587617206269, "createdString": "2020-04-23T04:46:46.269Z", "modified": 1587617206273, "modifiedString": "2020-04-23T04:46:46.273Z" } ] |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Creates a bom document.
Method | URL |
POST | /bom/create |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD POST | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <json_params> { "docName":"", [optional] "bomPartNumber":"", [optional] "catalogId":"", [optional] "templateId":"" } | string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
"docName":"new bom", //Unique Name of the new BOM document,
must be unique
[optional] "bomPartNumber":"partnumber", //Part number to be set to the bom
[optional] "catalogId":"", //Catalog that will be assigned to the bom
[optional] "templateId":"" //Templated will be used to create the bom
} \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"docName":"new bom",
}' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"docName":"new bom",
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json object representing bom document. Refer to the Structures section. |
400 | {"error": "BOM exists with name, BOM names are unique."} |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Creates a catalog document.
Method | URL |
POST | /catalog/create |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD POST | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <json_params> { "docName": "", [optional] "autoPartNumbers" : true, [optional] "uniquePartNumbers" : false, [optional] "partNumberPattern" : { "prefix" :"", "separator" : "", "seqStart": "", "seqEnd": "", "seqStep": "", "suffix": "" } }
| string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
"docName": "", //Unique Name of the new Catalog document must be unique
[optional] "autoPartNumbers" : true, //if true part numbers will be generated according to pattern
[optional] "uniquePartNumbers" : false, // if true will not allow duplicate part numbers
[optional] "partNumberPattern" : {
"prefix" :"",
"separator" : "",
"seqStart": "",
"seqEnd": "",
"seqStep": "",
"suffix": ""
} \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"docName": "catalogName",
"autoPartNumbers" : true,
"uniquePartNumbers" : false,
"partNumberPattern" : {
"prefix" :"PREFIX",
"separator" : "-",
"seqStart": "1",
"seqEnd": "100",
"seqStep": "2",
"suffix": "SUFFIX"
}' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"docName": "catalogName",
"autoPartNumbers" : true,
"uniquePartNumbers" : false,
"partNumberPattern" : {
"prefix" :"PREFIX",
"separator" : "-",
"seqStart": "1",
"seqEnd": "100",
"seqStep": "2",
"suffix": "SUFFIX"
Status | Response |
201 | Response will be a json object representing a created catalog document. Refer to the Structures section. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Adds a new row to the specified bom document. Formulas will be applied to the new row if the bom document was created using template and template has formulas defined.
Method | URL |
PUT | /bom/<bomId>/parts /catalog/<catalogId>/parts |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM POST | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId>|<catalogId> <json_params> //Array of objects [ { "partNumber":"1", "properties": { "column1":"", "column2":"", "column3":"" } }, { "partNumber":"2", "properties": { "column1":"", "column2":"", "column3":"" } } ] | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
<bomId> or <catalogId>
The id of the bom or catalog document to add or update row. Can be taken from the listing response.
<json_params> Array of json objects:
"partNumber":"1", //The partnumber property value for a new or existing row
"properties": { //Names and values for the properties of the new or updated row
"Column1":"", // Must match column names in the bom document.
] \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '[
"properties": {
"properties": {
]' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '[
"properties": {
"properties": {
Status | Response |
200 | [{"partNumber":"OK"|"partNumber":"ERROR"} |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Retrieve image file by url from openbom document. The url is provided inside the bom or catalog json response from get specific bom or catalog APIs.
Method | URL |
GET | /document/<documentId>/image?filename=<filename> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <documentId> <filename> | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
302 | Response a redirect to url that will actually serve the image file The url will be provided `in the http header ’Location’ curl client supports automatic redirects with -L flag |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Update specific cell in bom document with image file.
Method | URL |
POST | /document/<documentId>/image |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM POST | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <documentId> "file" "partNumber" "imageProperty" | string string string binary string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
--header 'X-Openbom-AccessToken: eyJraWQiOiJrZHJI...' \
--header 'X-Openbom-AppKey: developerappkey' \
--form 'file=@/Users/user/Downloads/image.jpg' \
--form 'partNumber=part1' \
--form 'imageProperty=Thumbnail image'
--header 'X-Openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
--header 'X-Openbom-AppKey: developerappkey' \
--form 'file=@/Users/user/Downloads/image.jpg' \
--form 'partNumber=part1' \
--form 'imageProperty=Thumbnail image'
Status | Response |
201 | Created |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Update specific cell in catalog document with image file.
Method | URL |
POST | /catalog/<documentId>/image |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM POST | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <documentId> "file" "partNumber" "imageProperty" | string string string binary string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
--header 'X-Openbom-AccessToken: eyJraWQiOiJrZHJI...' \
--header 'X-Openbom-AppKey: developerappkey' \
--form 'file=@/Users/user/Downloads/image.jpg' \
--form 'partNumber=part1' \
--form 'imageProperty=Thumbnail image'
--header 'X-Openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
--header 'X-Openbom-AppKey: developerappkey' \
--form 'file=@/Users/user/Downloads/image.jpg' \
--form 'partNumber=part1' \
--form 'imageProperty=Thumbnail image'
Status | Response |
201 | Created |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Deletes specific bom document
Method | URL |
DELETE | /bom/<bomId> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> | string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the bom document to delete. Can be taken from the listing response. \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Empty response indicates successful deletion |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Deletes specific catalog document
Method | URL |
DELETE | /catalog/<catalogId> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> | string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the catalog document to retrieve. Can be taken from the listing response.\
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'\
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Empty response indicates successful deletion |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Removes specific part from specified bom document
Method | URL |
DELETE | /bom/<bomId>/removepart?partNumber=<partNumber> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> partNumber | string string string string |
Method | URL |
DELETE | /bom/<bomId>/removepart/<partNumber> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> <partNumber> | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the bom document to remove part from. Can be taken from the listing response.
The partNumber to remove.
Recommended: \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Deprecated: \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Empty response indicates successful deletion |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Removes specific part from specified catalog document
Method | URL |
DELETE | /catalog/<catalogId>/removepart?partNumber=<partNumber> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> partNumber | string string string string |
Method | URL |
DELETE | /catalog/<catalogId>/removepart/<partNumber> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> <partNumber> | string string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the catalog document to remove part from. Can be taken from the listing response.
The partNumber to remove.
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'\
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'\
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Empty response indicates successful deletion |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Get all s specific user subscribed to.
Method | URL |
GET | /event/subscriptions |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken | string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be an array of objects representing event subscriptions [ { "id": "63f59d6e81960f29d4dba0db", "eventType": "ITEM_REVISION", "objectId": "somepartnumber", "userEmail": "user@tld.tld", "callbackUrl": "https://someservice/post", "active": true, "created": "2023-02-22T04:43:26.603Z", "updated": "2023-02-22T04:43:26.603Z", "userData": "userdata" } ] |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Subscribe to specific event type supported by the system.
Supported event type values are : ITEM_REVISION
Method | URL |
POST | /event/subscription |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD POST Data | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <json_params> { "eventType":"ITEM_REVISION", "objectId":"partNumber", //callbackUrl param must specify url to the secure, publicly available service, that supports post requests "callbackUrl":"https://someservice/post", //the value for user data will be included with each call to callbackUrl "userData":"data" (optional param) if set will be sent with every request to callbackUrl } | string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU1NYUZuSnFhSkhUaD...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"eventType":"ITEM_REVISION","objectId":"somePartNumber","callbackUrl":"https://someservice/post","userData":"userData"}' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"eventType":"ITEM_REVISION","objectId":"somePartNumber","callbackUrl":"https://someservice/post","userData":"userData"}'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be created event subscription { "userData": "userData", "created": "2023-02-22T04:43:26.603Z", "active": true, "callbackUrl": "https://someservice/post"", "userEmail": "user@email", "eventType": "ITEM_REVISION", "id": "63f59d6e81960f29d4dba0db", "updated": "2023-02-22T05:55:12.794Z", "objectId": "somePartNumber" } |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Files can be uploaded to openbom storage when there is enough space assigned for the user or team. Normally user would upload the file to the storage and then update their catalog or bom document with the link to the file in corresponding column. The file upload is a single operation, the upload API will only upload file to the storage and will not update corresponding document.
The url to save is as the value in the document in reference column for accessing the uploaded file should be of the following format:
Where cb811a0b-7ec6-4e96-811a-0b7ec63e9620-Assembly1.PDF is the uploaded file key in storage.
Method | URL |
POST | /files/upload/<documentId>-<fileName> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM POST Form-Data | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <documentId> <fileName> parts = uploaded file | string String string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the document that will hold the link to the uploaded file. Can be catalog id or bom Id.
The name of the file.
POST body is form-data with one parameter name “parts” with value of uploaded file.
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJYMEdzU…'\
--form 'parts=@"/Users/user1/Downloads/Assembly1.PDF"'
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
--form 'parts=@"/Users/user1/Downloads/Assembly1.PDF"'
Status | Response |
200 | Response body { "status": "CREATED", "keys": [ "cb811a0b-7ec6-4e96-811a-0b7ec63e9620-Assembly1.PDF" ] } |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Retrieve file by url from openbom document. The url is provided inside the bom or catalog json response from get specific bom or catalog APIs.
Method | URL |
GET | /files/cloud/<documentId>-<fileName> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <documentId> <fileName> | string String string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the document that holds the link to the uploaded file. Can be catalog id or bom Id.
The name of the file.
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJYMEdzU…'\
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a file from openbom storage. |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Export BOM document stored in openbom. Bom can be exported in next formats: JSON, CSV, XLS. Next view level can be applied: SINGLE, MULTI, FLATTENED. Additionally images or/and files from bom can be added to the exported archive.
Method | URL |
GET | /bom/<bomId>/export?viewLevel=<viewLevel>&format=<format> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM URL_PARAM Optional: URL_PARAM URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <bomId> <viewLevel> <format> <useview> <includeImages> <includeFiles> <viewid> <viewName> | string string string string string boolean boolean boolean string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the bom document to retrieve. Can be taken from the listing response.
Level in which bom document needs to be exported. Can be provided one of the following values: SINGLE, MULTI, FLATTENED
Format in which document should be exported. Can be provided one of the following values: JSON, CSV, XLS
Optional query parameters:
The default value is “true”. It means that every bom document will be returned according to the view that was associated with it using openbom UI. There are two options to get bom document without view filtering, user can either login to openbom UI, open specific bom document and remove the view assigned to this bom document, or call the get bom API with “useview=false” query parameter: /bom/<bomId>/export?useview=false
The default value is “false”. When this value is “true”, it means that the images from the bom will be added to the exported archive.
The default value is “false”. When this value is “true”, it means that the files from the bom will be added to the exported archive.
Specifies the name of the view to be used when returning the BOM document. This parameter allows for filtering and organizing BOM data according to a specific view configuration. The viewName must be URL-encoded. For example, if the view name is "View Name", it should be passed as "View%20Name".
Specifies the ID of the view to be used when returning the BOM document. This parameter provides an alternative method to viewName. \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json, csv, or xls file represents a bom document if images and files are not included. Otherwise response will be a zip archive |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Creates a revision for a given inventory and part number. This endpoint allows users to create a revision of an inventory item.
Method | URL |
POST | /inventory/{catalogId}/revision |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM POST | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> <json_params> { "partNumber":"", "revision":"", "revisionNumber":"", "saveAllLevels":"", } | string string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The ID of the inventory item for which the revision is being created. <json_params>
"partNumber": "12345-XYZ", // Actual item’s part number
"revision": "Q2-Rev1", // (Optional) The user-provided revision description.
"revisionNumber": "25" // (Optional) The user-provided revision number. If not specified, the last revision number + 1 will be used.
"saveAllLevels": false // (Optional) If true then all sublevels should have their revision incremented
Status | Response |
200 | Response body { "revisionNumber": "2", "docId": "cb811a0b-7ec6-4e96-811a-0b7ec63e9620", "partNumber": "2", "state": "Released", "revisionCreatedBy": "user@example", "revision": "Q2-Rev1", } |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Receive a single item from the catalog by Part Number.
Method | URL |
GET | catalog/<catalogId>/item |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> <partNumber> | string String string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the catalog document containing the item.
Part number of the item.
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJYMEdzU…'\
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json object representing a catalog rowdata information. { "id": "cb811a0b-7ec6-4e96-811a-0b7ec63e9620", "name": "test_catalog", "modifiedDate": "17 Aug 2024; 21:52:54 GMT", "createdDate": "17 Aug 2024; 21:52:54 GMT", "modifiedBy": "", "createdBy": "", "columns": [ "Part Number", "Description" ], "cells": [ [ "PN-L13", "PN-L13 Description" ] ], "type": "catalog" } |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Export catalog document stored in openbom. Catalog can be exported in next formats: JSON, CSV, XLS. Additionally images or/and files from catalog can be added to the exported archive.
Method | URL |
GET | /catalog/<catalogId>/export?format=<format> |
Type | Params | Values |
HEAD HEAD URL_PARAM URL_PARAM Optional: URL_PARAM URL_PARAM URL_PARAM | X-OpenBOM-AppKey X-OpenBOM-AccessToken <catalogId> <format> <useview> <includeImages> <includeFiles> <viewid> <viewName> | string string string string boolean boolean boolean string string |
X-OpenBOM-AppKey is the application key that developer received from OpenBOM
X-OpenBOM-AccessToken value is the value of the access_token parameter that was given in response to /login
The id of the catalog document to retrieve. Can be taken from the listing response.
Format in which document should be exported. Can be provided one of the following values: JSON, CSV, XLS
Optional query parameters:
The default value is “true”. It means that every catalog document will be returned according to the view that was associated with it using openbom UI. There are two options to get catalog document without view filtering, user can either login to openbom UI, open specific catalog document and remove the view assigned to this catalog document, or call the export catalog API with “useview=false” query parameter: /catalog/<catalogId>/export?useview=false
The default value is “false”. When this value is “true”, it means that the images from the catalog will be added to the exported archive.
The default value is “false”. When this value is “true”, it means that the files from the catalog will be added to the exported archive.
Specifies the name of the view to be used when returning the catalog document. This parameter allows for filtering and organizing catalog data according to a specific view configuration. The viewName must be URL-encoded. For example, if the view name is "View Name", it should be passed as "View%20Name".
Specifies the ID of the view to be used when returning the catalog document. This parameter provides an alternative method to viewName. \
-H 'x-openbom-accesstoken: eyJraWQiOiJjSVAyRU...' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey' \
-H 'x-openbom-appsecret: developerappappsecret' \
-H 'x-openbom-appkey: developerappkey'
Status | Response |
200 | Response will be a json, csv, or xls file represents a catalog document if images and files are not included. Otherwise response will be a zip archive |
401 | {"error":"Missing or invalid access token."} |
403 | {"error":"Missing or invalid developer application key[app_key]"} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
"nodeId": 0,
"bomId": "0",
"id": "0",
"name": "",
"nameuri": "",
"user": "",
"status": "",
"permissionString": "",
"permission": 0,
"modifiedBy": "",
"modified": 0,
"bomPartNumber": "",
"productionBatch": false,
"released": false
"id": "ef9a204a-a8fe-48ed-9a20-4aa8fef8ede3", //The Id of the bom document
"type": "bom", // the type will always have the value of “bom”
"partNumber": "somebomname", // part number for this bom document
"name": "somebomname", // the name of the bom document
"modifiedDate": "07 Aug 2018; 15:48:27 GMT", // date when bom was modified
"createdDate": "07 Aug 2018; 15:47:33 GMT", // date when bom was created
"modifiedBy": "user@email", // user that modified this document
"createdBy": "user@email", // user that created this document
"columns": [ // Array of all column names in bom document,
"Part Number",
"Thumbnail image",
"cells": [ // Array of arrays representing tabular data, order is according to columns array
"Part 2",
"Part 2 D escription",
"<A0002.PDF>" // Values of the reference type displayed in format: “<url label> url”. If the url points to the file stored in the openbom storage, it can be accessed/downloaded by following the link and providing authentication headers: X-OpenBOM-AppKey and X-OpenBOM-AccessToken
"part1 description",
"totalCells": [ // Array of total values for each column
"nodeId": 0,
"itemsId": "0",
"id": "0",
"name": "",
"user": "",
"status": "",
"permissionString": "",
"permission": 0,
"modifiedBy": "",
"modified": 0
"id": "",
"type": "",
"name": "",
"modifiedDate": "",
"createdDate": "",
"modifiedBy": "",
"createdBy": "",
"columns": [],
"cells": [[],[]]
All status codes are standard HTTP status codes. The below ones are used in this API.
2XX - Success of some kind
4XX - Error occurred in client’s part
5XX - Error occurred in server’s part
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Created |
202 | Accepted (Request accepted, and queued for execution) |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authentication failure |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
405 | Method Not Allowed |
409 | Conflict |
412 | Precondition Failed |
413 | Request Entity Too Large |
429 | Too Many Requests |
500 | Internal Server Error |
501 | Not Implemented |
503 | Service Unavailable |